I won the Lottery!

Well no, I didn’t. But I almost did!

Today Tim answered the phone and came to get me, telling me it was the hospital payroll department. I worked here at the hospital that Jaxon was born at in the year before Jaxon was born. That of course, was more than three years ago, so it was a little odd for them to be contacting me.

So apparently they weren’t quite paying me the correct penalty rate’s for working shifts that started before 5.30am and for shifts that went past 6pm. So they’re correcting it all and we’re getting a nice little cheque for the money they owe me in the mail.

I just put Tim’s Christmas present on lay-buy (today)…this will come in handy!

What scares me the most…

Every baby book, or forum I have ever been a part of has had certain advice that seems the same across the board.

Not all children will have colic.

Not all children will have reflux.

Not all babies eyes will change colour shortly after birth.

Not all children will have allergic reaction’s to milk, or shots, or peanuts.

So what scares me the most is that nowhere have I ever heard it said…

“Not all children will go through the terrible two’s”

Jaxon has been terrible to deal with for the past 3 weeks. He wants something, he doesn’t want it, but he wants it. He wants to be held, but he doesn’t want to be held, but if you put him down there is hell to pay. He’s hungry, but he’s not hungry. He wants to feed himself but he’ll cry if you don’t do it and then cry while you’re doing it.

It’s unbearable at times. I’ve tried giving him what he wants, which doesn’t always work, or work for long. I’ve tried ignoring his crying and whaling. And that doesn’t work either.

So what scares me the most is that Jaxon is not yet two, so I can’t say for sure that this IS the terrible two’s we’re experiencing. If this IS NOT the terrible two’s (and it surely is terrible) then what the hell have I got to look forward to???

I love…

Jaxon’s belly button.

Every time I see it, I’m reminded that once upon a time, not too long ago, he and I were one.

Jaxon was inside of me.

And not making so much noise.

Just as I thought…

When I returned home last night, despite the fact it was half an hour past his dinner time…Jaxon was in the perfect state of happiness. It seems that in writing down a list of things that I desperately wanted to happen I jinxed myself and not one of them occurred. No nasty poo, no out of control tantrums, no accidental spills or extra baths.

I was thinking that I would return home and find Jaxon standing at the kitchen gate, yelling out his usual “mam…mam mam mam” for food as Tim frantically tried to find something that he would actually eat, after refusing two other choices. But no, he walked casually up to me with a big smile on his face.

I was hoping to hear horror poo stories. Poo on the wall’s, all over Tim and Jaxon. Smothered on clothes. But no, Jaxon did a nice little neat poo…a one wipe poo.

The ultimate pleasure would have been finding Jaxon gripping the floor, screaming his head off and flailing his arms and legs about. Inconsolable, because Daddy told him he couldn’t shove the remote control up the cats bum, no matter how funny it would look to see him try. But no…all smiles. No horror stories.

Tim tells me that while they watched a Simpson’s episode, Jaxon said “dodecahedron” and “antidisestablishmentarianism” (I know, go figure?) and that he sat and read a chapter of Charlotte’s Web all by himself.

While Tim was at home thinking “gee this is easy” I was out thinking “gee, this hobby is fucking HARD”

The Secrets I keep…

When Jaxon was just a couple of weeks old we had a visit from my IL’s. They suggested and strongly urged me to find a hobby. Something to get me out of the house, something to do. They suggested many many different things for me to try, all of them very good idea’s. But I didn’t want to do it.

I didn’t want to leave Jaxon. I was scared that something would happen and I wouldn’t be there to do anything about it. I was scared he would cry and Tim wouldn’t be able to stop it. I was scared that he would do something new and I would miss it. What if he yawned and it was super duper cute and I missed it?

Recently I found something that I want to try. It starts tonight and I will be gone from the house for ONE and a HALF HOURS! Tim will be completely in control of looking after Jaxon. It will be the longest time I have ever been gone for. I wont be hiding in the bedroom where I am easily accessible when somethings not going right. I wont be back in 20 minutes from a short trip to the shop for dinner supplies. I will be completely, 100% gone.

So here’s a list of things that I secretly (don’t) want to happen…

  • I don’t want Jaxon to refuse his bottle BUT cry if you take it away from him.
  • I would hate for Jaxon to spill cold coffee down his front just after a bath
  • I don’t want Jaxon’s bum to explode, and if this should happen I do hope his nappy is big enough to hold it all in
  • I would hate it if while Tim was changing that poo, Jaxon reached down and smeared it all over himself.
  • I think it would be terrible if while Tim tried to stop Jaxon from putting that poo covered hand in his mouth, he accidentally got poo all over his own hands.
  • I would hate for Jaxon to refuse three different meal choices one after the other, and not be happy with any of them.
  • I would hate it if Tim had to say the words “no” or “don’t touch” or “You can’t have that” or “not for babies” to Jaxon, and it would certainly break my heart if Jaxon were to melt to the floor in fits of screams and tears because his world was coming to an end.

I’m not trying to say that Tim doesn’t deal with those things on a regular basis, you all know Tim is the best husband and father ever. But I am comfortable enough to say that previously he has dealt with them all knowing that I am there to back him up. That if he can’t figure it out, I’m there to take over.

I’d also like to add that while I am gone I also wouldn’t want any of the following to happen…

  • It would break my heart to have Jaxon say two words in a row. Or even one word, but a really clear word. I’d hate for him to say “homogenisation” or “excavation” so clearly that there is no doubt about what it was he said.
  • I would hate to be gone while Jaxon perfected the art of spinning on the spot.
  • I would not want to miss him mastering the use of a spoon, or drinking from a cup without spilling it.
  • I would hate to miss a rare moment when Jaxon will sit still and almost cuddle for 2 whole minutes

Haaaaaa. Now that I have that off my chest I feel much better. I really do hope the night goes smoothly for all of us…because if it doesn’t then I might not get to go out again until Jaxon is twenty one!!

Big Day Out!

Grandpa Ted (my Dad) and Grandma Anne have come to visit us from Melbourne. They’re only here for a couple of days so we’re making the most of the time we have with them. Today Jaxon and I took them to Killarney, or Queen Mary Fall’s.

There are two huge water fall’s there. The one shown here is the smaller of the two. We didn’t go to the other because it’s a great big walk (5 kilometer’s) down a big hill and then a great big hike up huge rock steps carved in to the hill side. I went alone a few years ago and it’s a killer, carrying a baby is just not an option.

There is a great little cafe and caravan park at the fall’s. We had lunch there and then fed the birds. These birds watched everyone coming in and going out of the cafe through the windows. They knew the people who had and hadn’t bought bird seed to feed them and left anyone who had ignored the bird seed alone.

We happened to be the first to get the bird seed for the day and they swarmed at us the minute we walked out the door. They land all over you and are quite scary when they fly in to land on your head. Hence, we do not have photo’s of Jaxon with the birdies…because the birdies are scary!

I could be a couch potato

Jaxon’s not one of those babies whose up for sitting around and enjoying a quiet night on the couch. He’s not one for cuddling with us, even if he’s upset. He’s not even cuddly and cute when he’s tired. He’s on the move from the moment he wakes up to the minute he goes to sleep.

This morning after I gave him his bottle, when he sat peacefully in my arms, I enjoyed every single second of it. For two and a half minutes, he sat. He lay with his head on my shoulder. There was no struggle to get down, or kicks and screams that I was keeping him there.

It was HEAVEN on Earth and while I don’t expect it will happen very often, I could get used to it.

What a great deal… not!

A few weeks ago while Tim and I did our weekly shopping, we found a great special on Jaxon’s nappies. Two packs for $50. Normally a single pack would cost us $35 so it really WAS a great saving. We grabbed them up, happy that we had saved ourselves $20 bucks.

Last week though, before we even got to opening either of those packs, Jaxon grew out of his current sized nappies. It’s the first time he’s done that since he was 8 months old, so it’s not like we should have known better. It’s so long between size changes with Jaxon that we get complacent!

We’re getting by now by changing him more often during the day and using the next sized nappy overnight. So far so good. Being only a quarter of the way through the first pack, I wonder if we wont have over 150 nappies sitting here waiting for our next child. With no current plans to have another baby, that could be a LONG wait.

Mummy Moments

Jaxon has a babysitter right now so I’m going to take this opportunity to get a little deep and meaningful here.

Ten years ago a cousin of mine met and fell in love with someone on the Internet. She’d never met him, since he lived in Texas. When I found out about the relationship, she had already been to America to meet him and brought him back to live with her and get married. They’ve been together ever since and have four very beautiful children.

At the time I had very little knowledge of the Internet. I thought it was CRAZY. To fall in love with someone you’d never met. To fall in love with and trust someone and not really know that what they said they were, was actually the truth.

I’ve had some time to think about it. Now that I am thoroughly in to this Internet thing, I totally get it. I could easily fall in love with someone over the Internet. This is not to say that I am looking and lurking through dating websites…going behind Tim’s back looking for love. That is not what I am talking about. I am simply saying that I can see now how it could happen, and I understand.

I know this now because the majority of my best friends are Internet friends. When Jaxon was four months old and started crying for no known reason I felt very alone. While at mother’s group the other girls seemed to be getting along OK, complaining about the occasional cry, I was drowning. I was constantly searching their faces for a speck of truth that they were drowning right along with me. But I never found it. And because they all looked to be getting along just fine with this baby thing, I didn’t have the ball’s to stand up, put my hand in the air and say “I’m a new mother, and I need help”

Here in Internet land was a completely different story. Not because the mother’s with new born babies Jaxon’s age were going through exactly what I was going through, because they weren’t. But because here in Internet land it’s very easy to open up and be honest. If I needed to cry I did it, right here in the safety of my own home.

“My girls” as I affectionately call them, listened to me and heard me cry. They opened up and shared as much of their experience as they could to try and help me through.

I couldn’t find the words I needed to say face to face to the friends visiting. I didn’t want to cry and break down and seem weak in front of them either. I suffered in silence. They knew what was going on, because when they came Jaxon was crying. While they visited Jaxon was crying, and when they left, Jaxon was still crying.

Three weeks later Jaxon and I ended up in hospital. While my Internet friends were not so surprised to hear it happened, my close friends didn’t see it coming. Because I just didn’t want to admit to them that something was wrong. Most of them knew the crying was going on, but didn’t understand that it was all day and all night with barely any breaks in between.

One day in hospital Tim came to me with a package, which he called “Boo’s Fan Mail” It was letters and cards from all over the world. My girls were reaching out to me when I didn’t even have the Internet. While I didn’t get a single call from friends of mine, I received calls from South Africa and America, from my girls, offering support.

We share everything. The things we have opened up about are unbelievable. From the color and consistency of poo that comes out of our babies bum’s, to the best sexual position you’ve ever tried and your favorite family recipes. Right down to the way we all wipe our asses. I scrunch in public and fold at home, since I hear you all begging to know!

It’s all out there. It’s all honest and it’s all read and heard without judgment or scorn, mostly. We’ve been through thick and thin together. Through the ups and downs of pregnancy, the up
s and downs of birth and the new born months. We’ve shared marriages and divorces, school graduations and birthdays. Sadly, we’ve lived together through the deaths of two of our babies, and most recently two family deaths.

I love my girls just as much as the people I see here in my home town. I trust them as much as I trust the people I know here in my home town. I couldn’t live without them and they are as “real” to me as the people that I have over for dinner and meet with down the street.

It is these girls, sharing their lives with me, that make me understand how people can fall in love with people they have never met. Through the good and the bad they have held my hand and given me a shoulder to cry on. One day I hope we meet over coffee.

So I guess you could say that I am in love. With 100 or so woman from all over the world. I TOTALLY get it.

Hello? Grandma?

Thanks to a certain friend of ours, Jaxon is obsessed with mobile phones. She not only gives hers to him when he’s with her, but he gave him her old phone to play with. Of course that phone is not good enough, because it doesn’t have lights like hers does!

Our mobile phone serves as nothing more than an alarm clock. Generally speaking it sits on the bedside table on silent and never get’s used. I pick it up in the morning to turn it off. That’s it. If we go on a long drive we take it with us, as a just in case measure. But we don’t take it shopping and we don’t take it to friends houses. We never hear it ring and we never use it to make calls.

Tonight I needed it to get a phone number from it (hey it also serves us as a phone book!) I left it on the computer desk where the home phone is. A few minutes ago Jaxon walked past Tim with it. Open. When Tim finally got it out of his hands Jaxon was kicking and screaming at the injustice being served to him. Tim put the phone to his ear only to hear the end of a message bank message. My Mum’s.

Jaxon called my Mum. It’s the second time he’s called her, because she’s in my phone as my ICE (In Case of Emergency) and she’s the first number you get to. He sms’d a friend in South Africa once too. Clever boy!

As requested…

These are Tim’s “duckies”

He hates that I call them duckies because clearly they are not duck feet but chicken feet.
We think.

Tim’s last pair of slipper’s were a huge pair of runner’s. The pair before that were big hairy wolf feet. Before that it was cows and when I met him he had gorilla’s. Go figure!

I have the cutest kid ever!

I’ve just recently quit drinking coke. In it’s place I’ve been drinking nothing but water. When I was drinking coke Jaxon always wanted to have some. We thought it was the can (we didn’t give it to him) but maybe I was wrong. Now he wants water and I give him tiny sips in a little blue plastic cup.

Tonight I gave him his little sip as the last part of the bottle I was finishing off. He promptly walked it over to his little blue cup and poured it in to drink it. Of course, he completely missed the cup and poured the water all over the floor, but who cares…it was SO cute.

Now he’s walking around with his bottle and picking up random toys to take with him. That saying “pitta patta of little feet” has just come in to affect in our household. We finally have that sound of his little feet and little legs pounding around the home, and I LOVE it. I could sit and watch him walking all day and night. Most days I am forced to do that anyway, because now he knows how to walk that’s all he does. Around and around the couch, out here into the computer room and back again. Over and over again. Again I say, so cute!

Today at the EDC he got to play with rice and blocks and have a play in the sand pit outside. There is this one little boy, about 4 or 5 years old, who can not walk. He drags himself along on the ground on his tummy all the time. I’m not sure of the exact name of it, but he’s just always happy. He never gets upset. Anyway, because he’s bound to the ground, he has special toys that are at his level. One of them is this thing with a big green and red button on it. The green one light’s up and makes a honking noise and the red one vibrates when you push it. Today all of the kids surrounded this annoying little toy while Jaxon was playing with rice. He took a slight interest when he dictated to the other kids that they were making too much noise! His protest came with Hitler like hand motion’s and commands.

I’m just in ore now of the progress that Jaxon makes each day. It fascinates me the way they learn about the world by doing stupid things. As I said, I have the cutest kid ever!

His favorite game!

Jaxon’s favorite game is jumping off the couch on to the bean bag. He’s very clever though, he wont do it when the bean bag is not there. I think he only does it to show off too, because I’ve never caught him doing it unless someone is watching. I’m trying to get a video clip of this but it’s very difficult because our lounge room is dark day or night. One day I will though. Here are some photo’s to get you through.

Jaxon is wearing his ugg boots which I love and Daddy thinks are dorky. But Daddy wears chicken’s on his feet to keep them warm so I don’t think he can comment!

18 Month Stats

Since I started this blog when Jaxon was nearly a year old, I haven’t put up his other monthly stats. From now on I’ll be keeping you up to date with his major milestones, but for this post I’m including past number’s as well.

2.6 kilo (5 pound 12 ounces)


4 months 4.34 kilo

6 months 5.2 kilo’s

12 months 6.6 kilo’s

18 months
7.8 kilo’s (17 pound 3 ounces)

A good day!

Tim and I started trying to teach Jaxon to wave ta-ta months ago. Since he was really little. Finally he gets it and does it occasionally. Very cute. Sometimes he waves good bye to someone before they leave, or even half an hour after they have left. Since he’s learnt that waving goodbye means that people leave he’s also been getting quite upset about it. He now cries when people wave goodbye to him. Except if it’s me.

For a few weeks now if Tim has left Jaxon has cried. But on the rare occasion that I leave, nothing. He could care less that I am walking out the door. Until today. On his 18 month birthday he finally showed me that he does give a damn if I am leaving him behind. Tonight I had to go and do a quick shop for dinner and he melted to the floor like his world was coming to an end, just like he does when Tim leaves.

This, made me VERY happy. It’s about time Jaxon, good boy.

Jumpers and Jazz

Every July our little town dresses up. No, not us. Our tree’s. And statue’s. Every year all of the shop’s and school’s get given a tree to dress up. They pump jazz music through the street and have a bit of a party to celebrate winter. Today is the first time Tim and I have gone along, and surprisingly it was quite nice.

I didn’t take photo’s of all of them. There are too many and some of them are boring. These are the more interesting one’s. I missed one that I wish I had got. It was a huge palm tree and he had a big jumper on with big woolly pants and ugg boots. He had a big smiley face on him and was very impressive. I also forgot to take a photo of our town statue. He sit’s in the middle of an intersection and he was wearing a big woolly hat and a scarf.

This last photo is our friend Hank. He’s so ugly that he’s beautiful. A gentle giant. He’s a friends dog who we’ve been looking after for a few days, he goes home tomorrow. He is of course, a great Dane and he’s taught us that we don’t want another great Dane just yet. He fit’s in perfectly with the family, is unfazed by other pets and baby’s. But on the odd occasion that he actually gets his lazy ass off the couch, he knocks Jaxon on his bum and makes him cry. I’m glad he’s going home! I’ll add some more photo’s of him soon, because he’s so cute!

A sad moment in family history

This is such a silly post. When Tim and I first got married, the first thing we did was open up a joint bank account. The bank we joined was great at the time. There were several branch’s available to us. When we moved to where we are now, we had to drive an hour to get to the actual branch. If we needed to go in to them and get something done we had to rush after work to get there on time. Normally that meant being locked in the bank after hours because we’d make it with just a few minutes to spare.

They DID have a small “in shop” branch here. But it was pretty useless. All they did was collect the thing’s we needed to deposit or withdraw and sent them to the other branch. Their usual job was selling computer software, so they had no idea how to do other things.

A few weeks ago we got sent a letter telling us they were closing that little branch. So now if we wanted cash out it would cost us $1.50 per transaction. It so happened that the day we got the letter was also the day Tim went to a different bank for his motor bike CTP insurance. It was then that he found out they had a better deal on term deposits, and ours was opening up soon so we decided we should switch banks.

It’s not a big deal. Switching banks. It was a lot of messing around but it’s really no big deal. When I called our “old” bank to tell them that we’d have to close all of our accounts the lady was very apologetic. She understood why we were doing it. As I was about to say good bye to her, I all of a sudden felt very sad. I felt like I was breaking up with a boyfriend. Or that one of us had to move on and leave the other behind. I said “It’s been good” and held back tears. TEARS! I was choking up saying good bye to a lady that I barely ever saw who worked at a bank that we rarely went in to.

We’re coming up on our five year anniversary, so we’ve been with them for five years. Of course, it has nothing to do with the bank itself. It’s more a symbolic thing. It was the first thing Tim and I did as a married couple. (see why I said number plates weren’t a silly thing to get nostalgic about Kelly? I cried over a bank!)

Jumping the gun, or was I?

So the other day I told you all that my “trusty” vacuum cleaner died. Well, it turned out to be ok. I called the people I bought it from and we fiddled with it for a while and all of a sudden it sparks up again. Yay, I thought. It’s not dead, I thought. I wont need to spend money on it.

I thought.

Well Jaxon is terrified of the vacuum cleaner. He doesn’t just cry that it’s on and making noise, he actually chases after it like it’s going to gobble me up and kill me. He is a horror to have around if I need to clean up. I either have to put him in his cot to cry it out while I do the house, or Tim need’s to travel from room to room and keep him occupied while I do it.

The other day when I finally got it working and finished up cleaning I thought I would place it in a spot where Jaxon could actually play with it. Instead of locking it away in the cats room where he couldn’t see it. I thought maybe if he could play with it and see it was quite harmless, he might warm up to it.

I know what you’re all thinking. You’re all thinking that Jaxon broke the vacuum cleaner. But you’re way off the mark. It was me, kind of. I’ve taken a couple of photo’s of what it look’s like now. Where I was once worried that I might need to spend some money on it to get it working again, now I KNOW I will have to spend some money to get it fixed!

It just so happened that the only place to leave the vacuum cleaner where Jaxon could see and play with it, where it was also out of the way, was right next to the Kanara (fire place) I had it leaning up against the wall, but it must have been knocked. The hose that leads from the vacuum to the power head was leaning against the flue and is now screwed. Gone. Dead. It melted so badly that we can see the power cord running through it to power the (dah) power head!

So the vacuum cleaner that I thought was dead was not dead, but is now. Yay!

Is nothing built to last???

Back in 1997 a gypsy lady went door to door selling junk in my Dad’s street. I don’t know that she was a real gypsy, but that is exactly how Dad described her. A gypsy. The debate about her being or not being a real gypsy is not the point here. The point is, that Dad bought an old vacuum cleaner off her for $20. It was an orange dirty looking thing, an electrolux volta. It took me a while but I finally found a photo of one.

It’s the one hanging in the far left corner. If you zoom right in on the little name tag underneath it you can see it was a model from way back in 1982. When it came in to Dad’s possession it was 15 years old, and still working. Not only was it working, but it was doing a really good job. It picked up our dog hair, it picked up anything we asked it to pick up. It was the best vacuum cleaner I’d ever used.

Somehow the vacuum cleaner became mine. I’m not entirely sure how, but it ended up with me. When I finally and regretfully let it go, it was 2004. Twenty two years old, and still going strong. Tim and I were moving states and we were trying to minimize the junk that we took with us. Unfortunately, we thought we could buy a new vacuum cleaner and left this one in the junk pile.

Fast forward to 2006, when we finally did buy a new vacuum cleaner (please note, we used someone else’s in the mean time) It’s a Hoover of some sort and has a power head, and it cost us over $500.

I LOVE my vacuum cleaner. Like the old Volta, it picks up dog hair and it picks up dust and anything else thats in it’s path. It’s everything a vacuum cleaner should be.

Or it was. Now it’s dead. Broken. It just up and died on us, at the tender age of just TWO years old. Now I ask you. If things are being built bigger and stronger and more superior to their ancestors in this day and age, then why is my relatively new vacuum cleaner not vacuuming? Is nothing built to last anymore?

Superman gave the Duck the Bird!

For a VERY long time now “the Duck” or “Duckie” as he likes to be called, has been Jaxon’s all time favorite toy. He’s been sleeping with him since he was born. It used to sing “Singing in the Rain” when you squeezed his tummy (he died on the airplane back from Darwin) It’s been the one thing that could really comfort Jaxon when he needed it. If I ask Jaxon from anywhere in the house where his Duckie is, he scoots along to his room where he knows Duckie stays in his bed. Duckie has a tag on his bum, and Jaxon likes the tag. He rubs the tag, and therefor the ducks bum, on his cheek. Jaxon wont sleep without Duckie.

Well tonight, Duckie got shafted. We don’t know why. But he was. BIG TIME.

It’s been raining here on and off for a few days. This morning Tim told me he was out of undies to wear so I did all of our washing today. In fear of it raining overnight and Tim not having anything dry to wear to work I brought him in some clothes and hung them by the fire. In particular, a pair of undies.

Superman undies.

Jaxon spent the entire night crawling and sometimes walking around with Tim’s undies on his head. He chewed on them (remember, they’re clean), rubbed them against his cheek, threw them about and took them everywhere. He cracked the shits if we denied him his daddy’s pants.

When it came time for bed, when Jaxon was clearly tired, it was a bit of a shock that he just would not go down. He cried and cried. Not just the usual cry, but that desperate cry you hear in older kids when they’ve been told they can’t have that chocolate bar in the shopping center. “Ah-ha…huh huh huh AHHHHHH HA” You know the one.

I tried to give him a bottle, I changed his nappy, I did everything. When Tim suggested I give him the superman pants I thought he was joking. And I didn’t think it would work. But sure enough, I gave Jaxon Tim’s superman pants and off to sleep he went.

Rubbing Tim’s jocks on his cheek.

I’m not sure if I am going to allow this obsession to take hold. As it is I have to go out and get Tim another pair of undies off the line and it’s cold out. I think it would be much better if Jaxon stuck to the Duckie. After all, I can take the Duck anywhere with us! (photo of the more appropriate Duck obsession to come! You can see a bit of him in the bottom photo)

I used to think that rubbing the duck’s bum up against his cheek for comfort was going to be a fantastic story for Jaxon’s 21st. Now I know I was wrong, there is a MUCH BETTER story to be told!

My favorite photo

This is my favorite photo of Tim and I. I think it shows our personalities and that’s what I like about it. The photo has been scanned and didn’t come out the other side very well, the colours are more vibrant. Missing from this photo is my bright red nose from being drunk!

I think I’ll head of to a photo lab tomorrow and have it copied properly. It is the only copy we have and I’d hate to lose it.

Fresh Pasta

On Dad’s recent visit he bought us a $12 pasta maker from ALDI. Tim loves making thing’s from scratch, so this was right up his alley.

I would have taken photo’s of the ACTUAL pasta making process except it required our full attention. I could have taken video except you probably wouldn’t have liked hearing us cuss as the machine slowly but surely died after just 3 run’s of pasta through it’s roller’s.

I made my favorite pasta sauce, carbonara. It was DIVINE!

Jaxon thought so too.

We all ate too much and couldn’t sleep that night. But it was SOOO good. We WILL be buying another $12 pasta maker and doing this again. It was totally worth the effort!!


Generally I LOVE Australia. I wouldn’t chose to live anywhere else in the world. But when it comes to money, right now we’re getting screwed and it’s NOT FAIR!

At my last check, American’s are paying $4 per gallon of petrol. If I convert gallon’s in to liter’s (3.79 liter’s per gallon) they’re paying a little over $1.05 per liter, while we’re paying over $1.50 per liter. I’ve known about this for a while, and I’m ok with it. Really. I am.

Just recently I saw a thing called “yourbabycanread.com” on one of our morning TV shows. That’s a link to the video testimonies from parent’s of babies as young as 11 months old reading. Not just reading one word here or there, but reading entire books. Kids spelling out their own names and other words with the magnetic letter’s you have on your fridge. It’s amazing to watch and see and I want that for Jaxon.

I found the program I wanted and went through the steps to purchase it, in lieu of Christmas presents. I have, or had, dyslexia (thanks to spell check, you don’t know I spelt that wrong) and it took me years to learn how to read (I was 12), so this will be more valuable to Jaxon than any toy we could buy him.

The section where I put what country I live in for delivery did not have a selection for Australia. I emailed and inquired. I even got a bit bitchy at them for advertising here in Australia if they do not sell their product to Australia. It turns out they do, they do have an Australian sister site. But here’s the kicker. For the program that I wanted to buy off the American site, valued at $79.95, here in Australia I would be charged $140.95

WHAT?? How is that right? Someone mentioned it being the exchange rates. But at todays going rate, $79.95 converts to $82.98. How is this fair? Why can’t I get something for my child at the same price?

It’s simply not fair.

New words!

19 Months

This morning I was changing Jaxon’s nappy and sneezed. It was a little shock to hear him say “ba choo”

I’ll add that to the list of words he has said, but never said again.

(Random photo)

There are no rules!

This follows on a bit from last night’s post. I would call i a Mummy Moment but it’s not REALLY a mummy moment.

So I’ve said how the health nurses and doctors and blah blah blah, have stressed me out by making me feel like I am doing something wrong. Well, when Jaxon was 11 months old his teacher went through a list with me. A list of thing’s that Jaxon should be doing at that age or very shortly.

She asked me if he plays patty cake. And all I could think when she asked that was “Is he MEANT to be playing patty cake” at this age? Hell…I don’t even know how to play patty cake…am I meant to teach him this? Is he going to be behind in school because I didn’t teach him patty cake? Do OTHER babies know how to play patty cake? Where do I get lesson’s about playing patty cake?

Seriously, I cam home all stressed out and in a panic that Jaxon did not know how to play patty cake. Bad, BAD mummy! Shame on me right?

Well. This past weekend my Dad and his girlfriend and my uncle and Auntie dropped in on us on their way further up north. I haven’t seen my uncle and auntie for a very long time and it was really nice to see them. They have five kids and 7 grand kids, so they KNOW their stuff.

I was telling them how stressed out these check lists make me. How I look at it and get asked these stupid question’s about Jaxon when some time’s it doesn’t even COUNT. Like when they asked me if Jaxon was chewing with his teeth and he didn’t even HAVE teeth, but they sent me home with a booklet on how to TEACH him to chew with HIS TEETH.

I said to them “I didn’t even KNOW I was meant to be teaching Jaxon to play patty cake!” and my uncle came out with a line that will forever be with me. I’m sure other’s have said it in one form or another but the way he said it so bluntly and with so much understanding about what I am going through, really made it stick.

He said “There ARE NO rule’s” and “You do what YOU want to do with your child”

So considering this for a day or two I decided to relax a bit on “the rules” and this is the result.

Remember, there ARE NO RULES!

Mummy Moment's

It’s well known among my friends and family that I’m not a very secure mother. I have confidence issues when it comes to babies because Jaxon is my first. Not only my first born, but the first baby I ever held. The first baby I changed a nappy on. The first baby I ever had to comfort. The first ever. I know that I am not the only woman ever to have had a baby and have it be the first baby experience she has ever had. But I can’t speak for them, I can only tell you about my experiences.

So firstly, with Jaxon’s many little issues, and facing doctor’s and nurses and paediatricians on a weekly basis, I found that very hard. I felt like they were sitting there and pointing their finger’s at me and secretly, deep down inside they were thinking “What a terrible mother” In my mind, they weren’t giving me advice, they were lecturing me. I felt small and insignificant.

There have been huge lesson’s along the way. Lesson’s that were really hard to live through, but that taught me a lot when I came out the other side alive.

The one I really want to tell you about is the day Jaxon had his allergic reaction to his four month shots. The day started off pretty normal. He’d had his shot’s at 5.30 the night before. I woke him up for his 6am bottle. Jaxon never ever throws up so I knew something was not right when he threw up this time. He didn’t go back to sleep like he normally did either so that was my second clue. At 9am he’d been crying and had a temperature for 3 hours. I tried once again to give him another bottle, thinking it might settle him down. But he threw that up as well. The health nurse told me to go to hospital so I did. I expected nothing more than them to tell me he had a cold and give him panadol.

That’s not what happened. The doctor’s all gushed around him. Two doctors and three student doctors. He had a temperature and he was swollen from head to toe. His fontanel was bulging out and you could see the bump through his hair. He didn’t stop crying while they took his blood, he didn’t stop crying when I tried to give him a bottle. He just wouldn’t stop crying. And he was HOT. The doctor’s said the words that no mother wants to hear.

Meningitis. They thought he had meningitis but the only way to find out for sure was to do a lumbar puncture and see what colour the fluid was when it came out. On my 4 month old baby. My local hospital is not a small hospital but it is by no means a large one either. Because of Jaxon’s scoliosis and his arm and leg and all those other issues, and because he was so small, they didn’t want risk doing anything near his spine. So that was it, we had to travel an hour to another hospital.

I called Tim home from work. While we waited, biting our nails, they tried to get a drip in to Jaxon’s arm. Because the ambulance wouldn’t take him without a drip to administer fluids or any drugs he needed quickly. His arms were so small that they couldn’t find a vein. So they had to drill a hole in his shin bone and insert a drip line through there.

Once we arrived at the larger hospital, after an awful ride in an ambulance, they made us wait in an emergency room. Mum came in and the first thing she noticed was how swollen Jaxon was. They did an ultrasound on his head and found that he had fluid around his brain. So they had to do a lumbar puncture. We didn’t stay around for that but when we returned Jaxon was calm and tightly packed in to lot’s of blanket’s so he couldn’t move. The fluid that came out, was clear. No meningitis.

We got moved to the paediatric ward. And this is where the trouble started. It wasn’t the doctor’s, it was the nurses. I had already spent 4 weeks out of home the month before. Jaxon also had a cast on his leg from his tenotomy on his leg for his club foot. I’d spent two weeks at Riverton, where we sorted out Jaxon’s routine. Eat at this time, sleep at this time, bath at this time, play at this time…repeat. It was perfect for our family. Jaxon was happier. But these nurses wouldn’t listen to me. The over-rode every thing I told them we’d been doing.

When it wasn’t time for a bottle, they gave him a bottle. When he normally wouldn’t be sleeping they wanted him to sleep. Jaxon wouldn’t sleep with the light’s on and is a really light sleeper. They put us across from the nurses station and wouldn’t let us turn the light’s off or even close the curtain’s. So Jaxon wouldn’t sleep. I would go to the toilet, leaving Jaxon asleep and peaceful in his cot and come back to find a nurse giving him a bottle. “He was screaming for a feed” they would tell me, when I had been gone all of two minute’s and it took them 2 minutes to get a bottle.

But the shit really hit the fan that first night we stayed there. At about 11pm Jaxon was crying, when normally he would be asleep. And Jaxon only cries when something is wrong. Really wrong. I’d fed him a bottle half an hour before he started crying, so he wasn’t hungry. I called the nurse in and asked if we could give him panadol. She said no, he’s hungry, give him a bottle. I told her that he’s just had a bottle and that I thought he was in pain. She said “Why would he be in pain? Well hello lady, he’s had his shin drilled, he’s had a lumbar puncture and just three days ago he had the muscle in his leg cut and cast. I think he’s in pain. I told her that but she wouldn’t listen to me. She kept telling me to give him a bottle.

I asked her, if I agreed to give him a bottle, and he didn’t calm down, would she then give him panadol??? She said yes. So I gave him a bottle. Even though I knew he wasn’t hungry and was in pain. But 1 hour later, Jaxon was still crying. And I was alone in my room trying to calm him down. After 4 weeks of continual crying, you can imagine how well I cope with that, it’s not much I can tell you. But all the while, these two nurses stood not four feet from our room where Jaxon was obviously in pain and hadn’t taken a breath in nearly 2 hours of crying, talking. Chatting like nothing was going on.

I didn’t know what to do. And these nurse made me feel like I had NO IDEA what was going on with my own son. I knew he wasn’t hungry, and I knew he’s had a big day. I knew he was not going to settle down without help. And I was so stressed that I was not going to BE that help. But they stood and did nothing. I stood there, with cord’s and drips and casts and cried right along with Jaxon. I looked out at them, hoping that they would see the desperation in my face and come and offer me some help. Take Jaxon and try to settle him themselves. But nothing. They stood and they chatted.

At 1.30 in the morning, now almost 3 hours after I originally asked the nurse for the panadol I’d had enough. I put Jaxon in hi
cot crying and walked out. I stormed out to be more accurate. I told the nurses “I’m going for a smoke, if you think he’s not in pain then YOU (bleep bleep bleep) get him to sleep” and I walked out. I left my son in the hands of complete idiot’s because I didn’t know any other way to get them to help me. Help Jaxon.

I came back two hours later and Jaxon was STILL crying. They’d called in back up, an apparent “baby whisperer” who could work her magic and get any baby to calm down. But she walked up and down, as far as the drip would let her, and she could not settle him. She had two bottle’s on the bench. He’s not hungry she tells me. He wont eat she tell’s me. I said, I know. He’s in pain. And YOU said you’d give him pandadol five hours ago if I gave him a bottle, and then IGNORED his crying.

Finally, at nearly 4am in the morning, they gave Jaxon panadol. And guess what? He went to sleep.

That wasn’t the only issue I had with those nurses during that hospital stay (5 days) but it was the most significant in my story. That was a moment. You know you have moment’s in life when you look back and think…now THAT taught me THIS. Well that, when I KNEW that all Jaxon needed was some pain relief for him to get to sleep, was such a huge moment for me. It was the moment when I finally realised that I am Jaxon’s mother. And I know best. It’s when I learnt that no matter what anyone is telling me, I should listen to my gut instinct, and my heart. And do what I think is best. For MY son.

If those nurses had just listened to me and tried it out (and seriously, what is the harm?) that entire night would have gone a lot better. Jaxon would have been peacefully sleeping and so would I. That night, not matter how traumatic it was for me, will forever be in my mind as the day that changed the way I saw myself as a mother.

Mummy Moment’s

It’s well known among my friends and family that I’m not a very secure mother. I have confidence issues when it comes to babies because Jaxon is my first. Not only my first born, but the first baby I ever held. The first baby I changed a nappy on. The first baby I ever had to comfort. The first ever. I know that I am not the only woman ever to have had a baby and have it be the first baby experience she has ever had. But I can’t speak for them, I can only tell you about my experiences.

So firstly, with Jaxon’s many little issues, and facing doctor’s and nurses and paediatricians on a weekly basis, I found that very hard. I felt like they were sitting there and pointing their finger’s at me and secretly, deep down inside they were thinking “What a terrible mother” In my mind, they weren’t giving me advice, they were lecturing me. I felt small and insignificant.

There have been huge lesson’s along the way. Lesson’s that were really hard to live through, but that taught me a lot when I came out the other side alive.

The one I really want to tell you about is the day Jaxon had his allergic reaction to his four month shots. The day started off pretty normal. He’d had his shot’s at 5.30 the night before. I woke him up for his 6am bottle. Jaxon never ever throws up so I knew something was not right when he threw up this time. He didn’t go back to sleep like he normally did either so that was my second clue. At 9am he’d been crying and had a temperature for 3 hours. I tried once again to give him another bottle, thinking it might settle him down. But he threw that up as well. The health nurse told me to go to hospital so I did. I expected nothing more than them to tell me he had a cold and give him panadol.

That’s not what happened. The doctor’s all gushed around him. Two doctors and three student doctors. He had a temperature and he was swollen from head to toe. His fontanel was bulging out and you could see the bump through his hair. He didn’t stop crying while they took his blood, he didn’t stop crying when I tried to give him a bottle. He just wouldn’t stop crying. And he was HOT. The doctor’s said the words that no mother wants to hear.

Meningitis. They thought he had meningitis but the only way to find out for sure was to do a lumbar puncture and see what colour the fluid was when it came out. On my 4 month old baby. My local hospital is not a small hospital but it is by no means a large one either. Because of Jaxon’s scoliosis and his arm and leg and all those other issues, and because he was so small, they didn’t want risk doing anything near his spine. So that was it, we had to travel an hour to another hospital.

I called Tim home from work. While we waited, biting our nails, they tried to get a drip in to Jaxon’s arm. Because the ambulance wouldn’t take him without a drip to administer fluids or any drugs he needed quickly. His arms were so small that they couldn’t find a vein. So they had to drill a hole in his shin bone and insert a drip line through there.

Once we arrived at the larger hospital, after an awful ride in an ambulance, they made us wait in an emergency room. Mum came in and the first thing she noticed was how swollen Jaxon was. They did an ultrasound on his head and found that he had fluid around his brain. So they had to do a lumbar puncture. We didn’t stay around for that but when we returned Jaxon was calm and tightly packed in to lot’s of blanket’s so he couldn’t move. The fluid that came out, was clear. No meningitis.

We got moved to the paediatric ward. And this is where the trouble started. It wasn’t the doctor’s, it was the nurses. I had already spent 4 weeks out of home the month before. Jaxon also had a cast on his leg from his tenotomy on his leg for his club foot. I’d spent two weeks at Riverton, where we sorted out Jaxon’s routine. Eat at this time, sleep at this time, bath at this time, play at this time…repeat. It was perfect for our family. Jaxon was happier. But these nurses wouldn’t listen to me. The over-rode every thing I told them we’d been doing.

When it wasn’t time for a bottle, they gave him a bottle. When he normally wouldn’t be sleeping they wanted him to sleep. Jaxon wouldn’t sleep with the light’s on and is a really light sleeper. They put us across from the nurses station and wouldn’t let us turn the light’s off or even close the curtain’s. So Jaxon wouldn’t sleep. I would go to the toilet, leaving Jaxon asleep and peaceful in his cot and come back to find a nurse giving him a bottle. “He was screaming for a feed” they would tell me, when I had been gone all of two minute’s and it took them 2 minutes to get a bottle.

But the shit really hit the fan that first night we stayed there. At about 11pm Jaxon was crying, when normally he would be asleep. And Jaxon only cries when something is wrong. Really wrong. I’d fed him a bottle half an hour before he started crying, so he wasn’t hungry. I called the nurse in and asked if we could give him panadol. She said no, he’s hungry, give him a bottle. I told her that he’s just had a bottle and that I thought he was in pain. She said “Why would he be in pain? Well hello lady, he’s had his shin drilled, he’s had a lumbar puncture and just three days ago he had the muscle in his leg cut and cast. I think he’s in pain. I told her that but she wouldn’t listen to me. She kept telling me to give him a bottle.

I asked her, if I agreed to give him a bottle, and he didn’t calm down, would she then give him panadol??? She said yes. So I gave him a bottle. Even though I knew he wasn’t hungry and was in pain. But 1 hour later, Jaxon was still crying. And I was alone in my room trying to calm him down. After 4 weeks of continual crying, you can imagine how well I cope with that, it’s not much I can tell you. But all the while, these two nurses stood not four feet from our room where Jaxon was obviously in pain and hadn’t taken a breath in nearly 2 hours of crying, talking. Chatting like nothing was going on.

I didn’t know what to do. And these nurse made me feel like I had NO IDEA what was going on with my own son. I knew he wasn’t hungry, and I knew he’s had a big day. I knew he was not going to settle down without help. And I was so stressed that I was not going to BE that help. But they stood and did nothing. I stood there, with cord’s and drips and casts and cried right along with Jaxon. I looked out at them, hoping that they would see the desperation in my face and come and offer me some help. Take Jaxon and try to settle him themselves. But nothing. They stood and they chatted.

At 1.30 in the morning, now almost 3 hours after I originally asked the nurse for the panadol I’d had enough. I put Jaxon in his
cot crying and walked out. I stormed out to be more accurate. I told the nurses “I’m going for a smoke, if you think he’s not in pain then YOU (bleep bleep bleep) get him to sleep” and I walked out. I left my son in the hands of complete idiot’s because I didn’t know any other way to get them to help me. Help Jaxon.

I came back two hours later and Jaxon was STILL crying. They’d called in back up, an apparent “baby whisperer” who could work her magic and get any baby to calm down. But she walked up and down, as far as the drip would let her, and she could not settle him. She had two bottle’s on the bench. He’s not hungry she tells me. He wont eat she tell’s me. I said, I know. He’s in pain. And YOU said you’d give him pandadol five hours ago if I gave him a bottle, and then IGNORED his crying.

Finally, at nearly 4am in the morning, they gave Jaxon panadol. And guess what? He went to sleep.

That wasn’t the only issue I had with those nurses during that hospital stay (5 days) but it was the most significant in my story. That was a moment. You know you have moment’s in life when you look back and think…now THAT taught me THIS. Well that, when I KNEW that all Jaxon needed was some pain relief for him to get to sleep, was such a huge moment for me. It was the moment when I finally realised that I am Jaxon’s mother. And I know best. It’s when I learnt that no matter what anyone is telling me, I should listen to my gut instinct, and my heart. And do what I think is best. For MY son.

If those nurses had just listened to me and tried it out (and seriously, what is the harm?) that entire night would have gone a lot better. Jaxon would have been peacefully sleeping and so would I. That night, not matter how traumatic it was for me, will forever be in my mind as the day that changed the way I saw myself as a mother.

New Words

It’s no secret that a few weeks ago Jaxon started saying the word SHIT. Yes, shit as in POOP. He hasn’t really said it again since, so maybe it was just an accident that it came out that way at the exact moment he dropped something out of the bath?? Maybe he need’s more promting?

Anyway. Tim and I have been trying to teach him weird things. Thing’s that other parent’s would never dream of teaching their kids. Not because it’s rude, just because it’s…weird.

Giggidy (GIG-E-DEE) is from The Family Guy.

Bang a Gong, we are on, is from The Iron Chef.

Aight, as in “alright” home boy style.

We’ve felt a little like he would never ever say any of these. But sure enough, in the last few days Jaxon has started to repeat them. And it’s OH SO CUTE! Last night Tim was asking him to say giggidy and I was asking him to click his tongue…so he said giggidy and clicked his tongue right afterwards. My heart melted! My clever boy! I bet he is the ONLY 17 month old that know’s the word giggidy.

He also started saying Aight. Over and over. This one we should be able to get on video, because he’s becoming a bit of a mimic with the words he does know.

Obviously the “bang a gong” thing is a bit much to ask of a 17 month old (happy 17 months Jaxon) but we can still hope!

Dummy Pusher

At 3.15am this morning Jaxon woke up crying. I don’t mind when he does this (too much) and I willingly get up and sort out his baby issues. Really, I don’t mind. It doesn’t bother me.

What does bother me is when I get back in to bed after sorting out his baby issues…getting warm and cozy again, and Jaxon waking up again. And what gets me even more is when it happens two or three time’s in a row. Waiting five minutes in the cold to make sure he’s gotten over his baby issues just isn’t an option at 3am in the morning (today was -2 degree’s Celsius) so I just have to go back to bed.

And what annoys me even more is when he wake’s up with his baby issues and I faithfully get out of bed (once again), get dressed and start heading towards his bedroom…and he sort’s out his issues all by himself…just as a reach out for the door handle. I undress, get back in bed and he starts up again!

So this morning I decided I’d had enough of getting up and down and up and down (5 times) (REALLY, I don’t mind) and just got Jaxon up. I laid on the couch with him and he went back to sleep on my chest. He was unsettled, those baby issues keep me awake too (they really do) and every time he woke up he’d do something totally cute and adorable so I’d have to forgive him for being a pain in the ass.

The first time he woke up he calmly took his dummy out of his mouth and tried to shove it in to mine. It must have been the way I was breathing or something, but he thought I needed it more than him. When I finally convinced him that “No, seriously…I do not want or need your dummy” he went back to sleep.

The second time he woke up he lovingly reached out and stuck his finger up my nose. Just to make sure that I hadn’t gone to sleep. Once he was convinced that I was still awake (the warm breath and spluttering nose was a dead give away) he went back to sleep once again.

The third time he woke up Jaxon decided that he was too warm to be touched by the blanket that covered me. He was wearing a nice warm sleep sack after all, and he didn’t want US overheating. So he purposely sat up and threw the woolen blanket I had covering me (and not him) on the floor. Then laid back down and went back to sleep. Oblivious to his mother’s chattering teeth and shivering body.


Have I mentioned that it doesn’t bother me when Jaxon wake’s up at odd hours of the night for reason’s that only he understands? If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be heading back to bed again. It’s half an hour since he went down calmly (after a bottle) and if he wakes up five minutes from now…he’s going to a baby psychiatrist!


17 Months

This happened tonight. Jaxon is also standing up without holding on to anything. It wont be long now, until Mum and Dad can’t keep up (oh boy!)

This pisses me off!

So a few days ago a man and woman in Brisbane got charged with torture and murder after their 18 month old twins were found decomposing in their cot. They’d been there for 9 days and they were found by their 11 year old sister.

Aside from the very obvious reasons that this would piss me off there is another reason.

Since the day Jaxon was born I’ve had the health nurses, doctor’s, paediatrican’s and even my physio on my back about Jaxon’s weight. I’ve had stranger’s on the street confronting me about Jaxon being so small. How much do you feed him? What does he eat…couldn’t you give him more? It goes on and on and is still happening.

So my question is…where were they all when these twins needed them? Where were the concerned people in the frozen section of SafeWay telling that mother she wasn’t feeding HER kids enough. Where was the doctor or health nurse looking down their nose at her and telling her they’re “concerned”?? How does something like this happen?


The other day was a particularly hard day for Mummy. It didn’t matter what I gave Jaxon to eat, he wouldn’t eat it. I tried a jar of bought food…no go. I tried noodles…no go. I cooked up some vege’s and mashed them up for him…no go. And it wasn’t just that he wouldn’t eat what was given to him, it was that he was CRYING that he wasn’t getting fed, which frankly…pisses Mummy off.

So when Mummy cracked a wobbly at the starving crying pitiful little baby Daddy took over.

Vegemite sandwiches it was.

Mum intervened a little because Daddy doesn’t eat vegemite and doesn’t know the RULE’s of vegemite (note to Daddy….not THAT MUCH!) but it all turned out OK. Even the carpet like’s vegemite, it would seem.


The other day we bought Jaxon a pack of crayon’s. This was the result. While the paper says that it is Jaxon’s first crayon experience, it’s not. It’s just his first “at home” experience. He’s had plenty of play at the EDC (Early Development Center, where we do physio and hydro) and I’ve just never taken those sheets home with me.

We’ve set out a comprehensive lesson plan.

Today’s lesson is “crayon’s are not for eating”
Tomorrow’s is “we don’t eat crayon’s”
Next week’s is “don’t put the crayon in your mouth”
And next year’s lesson is likely to be “crayon’s, why we don’t eat them”

Oh Dude!! (2)

Dude would have to be one of the most amazing cats I have ever owned. I wouldn’t go as far as saying he’s the best (yet) but he’s close. Diva will always be the best I think.

He can be totally annoying, or totally adorable. Mostly it’s annoying. Anyway, this was him the other morning. I missed him digging like crazy so there must have been something there…but I don’t know what it was, or if it was just nothing.

Did I mention Dude is CRAZY too?? This clip should prove without a doubt that I am not lying. I’m trying desperately to get a clip of he and Mexxi “playing” because it would have to be one of the funniest thing’s I have ever seen.

While baby’s away….

PARENT’s will play!

That’s right. Jaxon is gone for the night. He’s in the very capable hands of his Nanny and Poppy. They’ve threatened to give him red wine and chuppa chups and bertie beetle’s and mar’s bars but WE DON’T CARE!!! It’s not often we get a baby free night so do what you like! Just make sure you hold Jaxon’s hair back if he throws up ok???

So Tim and I feel like teenager’s again. We’ve been running around the house naked, pouring booze all over our bodies and setting them alight. SCREAMING and playing really loud music…I think the cop’s might have been at the door too but I was too drunk to get there in time!

I thought I should just let all you blogger’s know, I’m drunk for the first time in years! That’s about all the energy I can muster up right now, I’m going to have another quick f%ck!

Random Photo’s 2

We haven’t been around for a while. We’ve been busy, very busy. So here’s a few catch up photo’s…

Nanny sent Jaxon some new clothes. Not all of them fit but I am really happy that this one does. I LOVE cows…and Jaxon will too…

This next one was Jaxon playing with Daddy and the camera. Jaxon is putting the lens cap back on.

Just a nice photo of Dude. He was lounging by the fire on a very cold day.

And bath time…bubbles are yummy, so I’ve been told.

I’m yet to show you a clip of Jaxon squealing. I bet you’re all DYING to hear that!