Jaxon never gave us giggles. At this age, Jaxon was trying to work out a way to put an end to global warming. Very serious business if I do say so myself.
I am TOTALLY excited about baby giggles!
Jaxon never gave us giggles. At this age, Jaxon was trying to work out a way to put an end to global warming. Very serious business if I do say so myself.
I am TOTALLY excited about baby giggles!
To make sense of this story I first have to tell you about two different stories from my childhood.
In the first, on a walk I once took with Mum and Dad when I was very little. Perhaps I was 5 years old. We were just up by my primary school at the end of our street. Walking past some pigeons. I don’t know exactly why he said it but it was probably because I begged them to get me one for my birthday. Or just because.
My Dad told me that if I wanted a pigeon all I had to do was catch one. I could keep it if I did. And to catch it he said, all I had to do was throw salt on it’s bum. This, apparently, makes it so the pigeons can’t fly or walk. Because the salt on it’s bum stings and its bum muscles squeeze in real tight and they can’t walk properly. Then all you have to do is catch it.
For YEARS I believed him. I actually thought it was true. And in grade five, I had other kids convinced of this too.
In the second story I am seven years old. I was yabbying under the bridge at the Euroa caravan park. I had thought it a good idea to leave my line with it’s steak on it over night. To see if I could catch something in the morning. That was all good and well except that when I went to check my line in the morning there was no yabby. Instead, when I pulled on the line it seemed to be stuck. So I pulled harder. And when I finally got the line to move closer to the surface, there at the end of it, holding on to that bit of steak for dear life…was a turtle.
From that point on, for the rest of our 5 week holiday, I begged Mum and Dad to get me a turtle. They DID!
I, being the original character that I am, named it Myrtle. Dad and I built it a pond with a fence around it and I would wonder on down each day to feed it.
I don’t know how long we’d had this turtle when we went to my cousin’s 7th birthday party. I don’t think it was long. But when we came home, Myrtle was gone. It ran away. It climbed it’s little fence (I vaguely remember that it COULD climb the fence) and disappeared. Never to be seen again.
And now to present day. Where I start wondering about my turtle. Thinking about the salt and the pigeons and the turtle. Wondering, if maybe my turtle died. But Mum and Dad didn’t want me to get upset so maybe they lied and said it ran away instead. Just like you hear people telling kids about their dogs who “ran away” when really Mum or Dad backed over it in the drive way. All the while, the kids are so young and trusting that they believe everything their parents tell them. Like, how you can catch a pigeon by throwing salt on it’s ass.
Yesterday I had to know. Because if I could believe Dad for years that I could catch a pigeon by throwing salt on it’s behind, then how easy would it be to believe my turtle “ran away”?
I sent both Mum and Dad a text asking if Myrtle had died and not run away. Now that they’re divorced they’d either both say the same thing, or they’d each tell a different story.
Dad replied first. He tells me the turtle really did run away. And when I said I didn’t want to be one of those gullible kids that believed their turtle had run away when it was actually dead and that I was having trouble believing him because of the pigeon story, he STILL tried to tell me you could catch a pigeon with salt…as long as you got close enough. But the turtle really did run away.
Then Mum replied. Like Dad, she swears the turtle ran away and that we never did find it.
I’m still unsure. They each have told the same story. But Tim and I discussed this and perhaps, when I was very little and lying in bed, Mum and Dad stood over me with dead turtle in hand and one said to the other “She can never know about this”
Or maybe, when they got divorced it was a part of their settlement. You can have the couch, but the girl never finds out about the turtle. Take it to the grave.
I just have this image in my head of my head stone when I die. It will probably read something like this.
Here lies Boo.
Wife. Mother. Daughter.
Gullible turtle owner to the end.
Daddy: If you eat all of your dinner Jaxon you can come and water the garden with me” (Jaxon is a terrible dinner eater and will only have a bite or two of what he’s given)
Jaxon: I have a better idea Daddy. If I drink all of my drink I can come and water the gardens with you. What do you think Daddy??
In the space of about 24 hours Jaxon has become Mr Independent.
Yesterday, he did something to the dishwasher. I don’t know what but it ran for an entire night. When I opened it in the morning and it STILL wasn’t finished it’s first cycle Jaxon looked at me and said “I did it by myself” He’d even put in a dish washing tablet.
Then this morning, he poured himself a drink. He also poured the bench a drink. And the floor a drink.
He has learned that he can get to the freezer all by himself. He now comes to us with his hands behind his back only to pull out an icy pole asking “Can I have this one?”
Several times a day.
Today he helped me push the button’s on the washing machine. I was cleaning sheets. While I was giving Dexter a bottle the load finished and started beeping. It beeps every five minutes just to remind you that you have not done your motherly duties yet. When I finished up with Dexter and went to hang the sheets out, the washing machine had been started again. My sheets are very clean.
Today we made cookies together. The kind where you buy the dough and just cut it up ready to go. These things never work so Daddy and I decided to make a MONSTER COOKIE. We had nothing to lose, since they never work. When they came out of the oven and were cooled we came in to the kitchen to share it around. Only to find that it was ALL gone. I bet it was the best cookie ever. Jaxon will tell you that anyway.
He’s also learned to navigate the computer. In particular my facebook account. I’ve found him many times just looking through our photo’s. Or photo’s of my friends.
The only really good thing he’s learned to do all by himself is get himself dressed.
Jaxon: What’s this Mummy? (Holding up a play-doh mold to make a pumpkin with)
Mummy: That’s a pumpkin.
Jaxon: What’s it for?
Mummy: We eat them. Pumpkins are for eating.
Jaxon: No Mummy that’s silly. Pumpkins are for putting faces on.
We decided to take a quick trip to Grandpa’s before Tim returns back to school. On the way we thought we were in for trouble. Jaxon kept insisting that Dookie had to come home with him. We actually thought we might have to fight Jaxon to leave him there with Grandpa. But within the first minute of our visit we knew we were safe. That was the minute of Jaxon’s blood curdling screams as he CLIMBED UP Tim’s body as Dookie very innocently came rushing out to greet them.
We had a lovely day. We had lunch. Two walks to the beach. Two walks to the park. And one of us got to see a burning car on the drive home (that would be Tim, who, being the driver of the car…had to keep his eyes open)
At the ripe old age of 4 years and one month, Jaxon sat on my lap and put his arms around my neck. He looked me right in the eyes and said in a matter of fact kind of way, “What do you want for Christmas Mum?”
I told him that for Christmas I want another little boy as adorable as him.
Sometimes, Jaxon says or does the funniest things that make us laugh until we cry. And yet, mostly, it’s just one funny line. Or one funny expression. It’s hard these days to write up a story for you about the things he says and does so I’m going to start up a new category.
These posts will likely be short and sweet and right to the point. For example, at 4am this morning Jaxon woke me up and said “I need to sleep together with you because my blanket is tired and I’m cold”
I honestly don’t know where he get’s it from. I don’t know if the way we have raised him has made him the person that he is or if he would have been like this anyway. But Jaxon is the most social person I have ever met.
For example. I took him to the park after dinner tonight and the first thing he did was go and make friends with all of the adults in the park. And then all of the kids.
His conversations went something like “Hello, what’s your name? My name’s Jaxon. Its nice to meet you. Do you know my baby brothers name? It’s Dexter. How old are you? I’m 31″ and on and on.
He proceeded to drag everyone in to a make believe ice cream shop where they all got to order their own ice cream and then give him wood chips as payments. Only I seemed to be uncomfortable with this. Everyone else thought it was just adorable that this 4 year old thinks he’s 31 (and acts 31) and wants to play with everyone.
Heaven forbid any of them decide to leave the park without saying good bye. Because he would run after them yelling “bye. Have a good night. It was great seeing you” as the hopped in to their cars.
I worry about many things when it comes to Jaxon and how he’s going to deal with the things life is throwing at him. But making friends and being the most polite and friendly and accepting person in the world is never going to be a concern.
It’s so hard to believe that Jaxon is now four years old. It seems like millions of years ago that we were anxiously awaiting his arrival. Yet here we are. He actually made it this far!
The cake was made by Daddy and Jaxon. Daddy was given very specific instructions on what it had to be. It had to be a strawberry flavoured cake that was green, with red icing. Despite looking a little odd, the cake was delicious!
Jaxon is quite obsessed with boats. Last year, when it came time for us to VOTE I heard Daddy telling Jaxon that he needed to get dressed so we could go. Minutes later Jaxon came dashing in to me yelling “Mummy, we’re going on a BOAT and I’m going to catch FISH!”
Recently we decided that it was time Jaxon got some alone time with just Daddy and I. So we gave Dexter to Nanny for the day and headed to the local ferry, which travel’s an hour each way in to the city. When we finally told Jaxon we were taking him on a boat he lit up with excitement. And then asked to go and get his fishing rod.
We had a fantastic day and I’m sure this will be a wonderful memory for Jaxon. We got to see a sea plane take off, a black swan, a big ship, lot’s of bridges, the city and of course…we got to go on a boat.
Jaxon got to drive for about 15 minutes. Before the boat came in to dock I pointed out the man in the white shirt as the Captain. We entered the cabin and the second the man in the white shirt came in Jaxon yelled out to him “Hi Captain!!!” Minutes later, once we had been turned around and were heading out to sea the Captain came and got Jaxon and put him in the Captains seat. He stood there talking to him and let him take the wheel. Jaxon would steer us off course and the Captain would ask to have a turn to steer us back. Then Jaxon would steer us off course…and the Captain would steer us back. And so on. He had a ball!!
On a very hot and humid night a week or two ago we had our very first night of calm AND awake Dexter. Normally, the two don’t go together. He’s either awake and crying or awake and eating…or asleep. We sat on the bed in our room with the window’s open for the breeze and got Jaxon to read a book to Dexter.
He does pretty well. The first page reads “Grug had saved enough money to buy his first bike” and then Daddy laughs on the second page because Jaxon is ad libbing. When we read his book to him each night we sometimes get bored and make up our own words. Jaxon laugh in hysterics. Essentially the book is the same but we change the minor details. The book states that Grug buys a bright yellow bike. And Jaxon has changed it to bright blue boat. Just as we would have if we had been reading it. He’s a very clever boy, though it might be a while before he gets through the entire book! (the pages that he did “read” were spot on)
Jaxon has accepted Dexter in to his home and heart as if he has always been here. I didn’t think it was possible but the way he loves his little brother has made me love HIM even more. My brother was my best friend and I was blessed to have such a close relationship with him so I’m so thankful that so early on I can see that Jaxon is never going to let anyone or anything hurt his little brother. Just like Terry did for me.
I know it’s been a long time coming but the beauty of the blog is, I can post it just as if it was written last month…at the appropriate time!
Dexter is here. Without going in to too much boring detail, I was induced at 36 weeks for high blood pressure. They started it all off at 3.30pm on the 30th of November and he was finally born via emergency c-section at 6.24pm on the 1st of December 2010 (weighing 2.96 kilo’s) I failed to progress past 6 cm’s.
It’s all a bit of a blur now that it’s said and done. The main things I remember are the sweet sweet gas and pethidine and screaming at my OB “get your fucking hands out of me” and crying through the most excruciating contractions for hours without drugs because the midwife had checked to see how far along I was and thought I was fully dilated. She said she was confident she could talk me through the birth without the use of drugs. But four hours later when checked again, I was still stuck at 6 and had been for hours.
Having a second c-section obviously had not been our plan but we don’t regret that it happened. In fact, I sort of wish I’d saved myself the pain and done it from the start!
Jaxon is being an AMAZING big brother. If not annoyingly so. He wants to kiss Dexter all the time, cuddle Dexter all the time and play with him all the time. That, can be annoying when you’ve just spent the last five hours trying to get Dexter to sleep and when you finally do, his big brother plants a kiss on him somewhere only to wake him up for another two hours.
I will try to blog more often. I have photo’s and little Big Brother stories to share. But we are dealing with yet another crying baby…the Dr’s and health Nurses say it’s colic, so forgive me if I can’t be shagged!
36 weeks 4 days pregnant
Sweet Sweet Gas!
Dexter first born. You can see he has a cone head from being stuck in my cervix for hours. He also had a love bite kind of hickey on his head!
Love at first sight. Daddy and Son meet for the first time. Tim tells me that he and Dexter spent the two hours waiting for me to wake up from the surgery walking the hall ways chatting up nurses
Dexter's natural knot in the umbilical cord. This caused much frustration for both us and the nurses because they could not hear Dexter's heart beat properly through the monitors and I was not allowed to moved off the bed through contractions while they were trying to find it. For three hours. Grrr.
Dexter's weight. 6 pound, 10 ounces
Hours old.
Big Brother lays eyes on Little brother. Not once has Jaxon been jealous of the extra attention the baby needs.
I had actually intended to come here today to tell you all about Jaxon’s new found skill of song writing. But that can wait another day because today, he made me laugh so hard and it has to be recorded!
My morning sickness is getting pretty bad now. Up until today, I’ve only been forced to go and drive the porcelain bus once in front of Jaxon. Today, I had to do it again.
So there I am trying not to just do it. Trying to prepare Jaxon for what’s coming.
Mummy: Jaxon, Mummy’s going to be sick.
Jaxon: Mummy you come with me?
Mummy: Jaxon, Mummy needs to be sick in the toilet.
Then I start heaving.
Jaxon stands there, different to his father in that he put his hand on my back and patted me while I was sick. His Daddy would be making jokes about holding hair back and pretending to dry heave.
Then he says to me “Mummy, you got a sore throat?”
Mid heave, I have to laugh. Do you know how hard that is!? I tell him, yes…something …like …that. Heave.
Mummy, you need to have some panadol!
OMG! It hurts my entire body to throw up at this stage in the pregnancy. But let me tell you, it hurts to LAUGH and throw up even more! Who would have thought you could be made to laugh during one of life’s more awful events!?
You have no idea how close we came to losing the family blog. I have been SO UPSET all week.
The reason we wanted to change hosts was because our contract with the old host had expired. They sent us our new bill and I looked around for a better deal. Instead of having to pay $7.95 a month to host with the old host, I found a new one to host for only $3.25 a month.
So it’s logical. To save some money, we decided to change.
We followed all of the directions down to the last letter on how to change hosts. We backed up our database and files. And according to the new and old hosts all we would need to do would be to restore them in the new host control panel.
Well! We did that. And it did not work! If you’ve visited since Monday you may have come across a number of different fatal error warnings.
The new host is local to us. Australian. They boast 24/7 support.
They LIE!!
Each time I would send an email off and tell them exactly what I had done and what was happening (or not happening) because of that. And they would take their sweet time to reply. If you have 24/7 support, how can it take 8 hours to reply an email? I would say “I have done x,y and z and now I get a fatal error that says a,b,c. I don’t know why that is happening. Can you please tell me what I need to do to fix this?” and they would reply “Yes certainly we can help you. Please browse your web site again. And feel free to let us know if you have any further queries”
It seemed the angrier I got about their lack of support the less they replied. So I started calling them and even then, their support was anything but.
Last night, I decided that the only thing to do would be to renew with the more expensive hosts. I did not want to risk leaving my old account so long that they would delete discoverboo from their servers. So this morning I got up, tranferred the money from our savings account and paid up.
And here we are. Two hours later. Back. On. Line.
Crazydomains can go to hell. I would not recommend them to ANYONE.
You’ll have to excuse us for a moment, or three.
We are currently changing web hosts and this may or may not take us off line. We don’t know yet.
Since we have no clue what we’re doing (this is far harder than running a blogger blog where everything is done for you) this may take longer than it would take someone else to do.
If you visit over the next week or so and we’re not here, there’s a good reason for it and HOPE it doesn’t mean we’ve LOST the site!
I don’t post about being pregnant often. And that’s because up until about 8 weeks ago, I really had no reason to.
Jaxon’s pregnancy was fairly tough. With cramping so painful I couldn’t walk, a threatened miscarriage, heavy swelling from 18 weeks on and of course gestational diabetes, I would have had plenty to bitch about back then.
But this pregnancy has been rather mild. All until I hit the second trimester. When the gastritis, heart burn AND MORNING SICKNESS STRUCK!!
Of course it’s any time of day sickness around here. It could be early morning, late night or even middle of the night.
I am SO over throwing up and still feel like I have so long left before baby arrives. I don’t know how I am going to cope with all this chucking and indigestion!?
A conversation with Daddy.
Jaxon: Daddy we saw a rainbow! Daddy we saw a rainbow!
Daddy: REALLY! Was there a pot of gold at the bottom of it?
Jaxon: No Dad, just a pot of popcorn.
This is by far, the nicest photo I have ever managed to snap of Tim.
See that thing on his face?? The smile?? Not often I get that. I had to say something really funny to get that smile and though it’s totally suitable for your ears and Jaxon’s ears and anyone’s ears that might be close enough to hear, I’m not saying what it was.
I shall just remember that for next time. And Tim, there WILL be a next time. I love seeing you smile!!
Grandma came to visit all the way from Darwin a couple weeks ago. I KNOW!! You don’t need to remind me of how slack I am getting. But all I can say is that after nearly 4 years of blogging…it gets HARD!
I took these photo’s as an absolute last minute thought. We went to the Melbourne Aquarium, had a BBQÂ come surprise baby shower at my old friends house and did all sorts of little things during her four day stay and yet I didn’t take many photos. I even FORGOT to take the camera to the Aquarium… a photo opportunity that I normally would not miss. Boy was a pissed at myself!!
In the days to follow I’ll try to get you catched up.
A couple weeks ago (I KNOW! I’m getting slack!) Jaxon and I went with Tasha and her kids to see a live show of Dora the Explorer.
We weren’t meant to take photo’s I don’t think…or video. But we did, as did everyone else.
I was so incredibly impressed with all of our kids who were so well behaved for us. I fully expected to be all stressed out and in fact, I was dreading the experience for weeks. But they did as they were told, they held hands and crossed the roads well. They stayed together as a group and not one of them chucked a hissy fit. I was just so HAPPY with them all!!
The funny thing was that Tasha’s youngest Abbi and Jaxon took a very long time to figure out that the stage was not just a HUGE TV! I actually think Jaxon STILL thinks he just went to the movies!!
Here’s some pics.
Jaxon was so impressed with the show that even now, weeks after we went he’s still asking me to sing “Pyramid, jungle, lost city” and if I don’t put the right kind of SPIN on “loooost city” like Dora does…well!! I might as well be dead to him!
A BIG thank you to Michael who gave us the tickets to go!
There are a lot of changes going on around here at the moment.
Among them, we’re upgrading our spare bed from a blow up mattress to a proper bed for times when Grandma comes to visit.
We got our new bed frame, and Tim gave it a coat of vanish. It’s not wet anymore but it’s still a little grabby.
So as we’re in the room assembling it with Jaxon playing with Buzz Lightyear in the middle of us we tell him he’s not allowed to touch it.
Then we needed to leave to get the remaining bits to the bed and as we leave we reinforce our request for him not to touch while we’re gone.
On our way out to the shed Tim asks me how long I think it will be before he touches it. And I tell him he’ll do it just once “just to figure out WHY we asked him not to touch it”
When we return we fully expected that Jaxon would have his sticky little mits on the bed frame. Instead, there’s Jaxon holding Buzz in such a way that his hand was touching it!
He proclaims “Buzz touched it! Buzz touched it!”
Evil little genius he is!?
I’ve been thinking about this post for a LONG time now.
I just haven’t come up with a fun or witty way to put it forward to you. So I’ve sat on it, waiting for that perfect moment in my head where everything just fall’s in to place and the words just flow effortlessly from my mouth.
Some people suggested I just leave it until such a time that, well…it would just be very old news. But that has never been my intention. So I wont do that.
It started out as waiting for the “safe” period to pass. And then, week by week…it’s increased to “ridiculously late for letting people know”
So I have decided that the perfect time for me to tell you has long since past. And that the perfect words are probably never going to just flow from my mouth. So here it is.
Drum Roll please….
Every night Tim, Jaxon and I have a big bath together. We don’t all squeeze in to a tiny little tub. We have a two person spa that fits us all perfectly.
Recently, Jaxon took an interest in my, a-hem…nipples.
I didn’t lie to him when he asked what they are. I told him they were nipples. And I pointed out that he has nipples…and Daddy has nipples. We all have nipples.
Well, for some reason, he called them kettles for a few days. He would point them out on me, and Daddy and himself and say “Mum has kettles, Jaxon has kettles and Daddy has kettles”
He’ll even rattle off every other person he can think of asking “Does so and so have kettles?”
The other day we visited Nanny and Poppy. And we told them all about the nipple/kettle conversation.
Towards the end, he ever so politely (manner’s and all) asked Nanny to show him her nipples.
For some reason, she didn’t.
I was sort of glad for a while that he was referring to them as kettles. It meant that I wouldn’t get a call from day care telling me he needed to be picked up and that he was suspended for asking his teacher to show him her nipples.
We’ve got a fairly solid bed time routine set up with Jaxon, even if we’re slightly lax during the day about when we have meals and naps and plays.
It was all too obvious tonight, given the conversation that Jaxon and I had as I left his room.
It’s normally ME saying this stuff to him and him repeating it to me!
Jaxon: Leave the door open a little bit Mum (peease)
Mum: Yes, I will Jaxon
Jaxon: See you in five minutes Mum.
Mum: Um, ok!?
Jaxon:Â “I love you Mum”
Mum: I love you too Jaxon!
Jaxon: Sweet Dreams Mum
Mum: Sweet Dreams Jaxon
Jaxon: See you in the morning Mum
Mum: Yes Jaxon
Jaxon: Sleep tight Mum
Mum: Jaxon, you’re stalling. Go to sleep.
Jaxon: Yes Mum.
As I’m walking off, and now no where for him to see I can still hear him yelling out “Night Mum!!”
So over the last few months, Tim and I have found a small selection of foods and drinks that should not be given to Jaxon.
They include musk sticks, licorice (that long stuff, not the small chunky stuff) and lemonade.
If Jaxon has those things, he JUMPS OFF THE WALLS! He’s unbearable to deal with. Not because he get’s all moody or anything, but because he’s way too hyper and way too smiley and LOUD.
It’s just….annoying.
So last night when he started jumping off the couch and springing right back up, or running back and forth from his bed room to the lounge room…Daddy looked at me as if to say “What did YOU give him!?”
So I say “I swear, all he’s had is a freddo frog and some cordial”
And Jaxon, as if to say I was lying started squealing “frog and corrrrdial frog and cooordial frog and cordial” over and over and over again like maybe he’d had a kilo of chocolate and a liter of cordial without water in it.
I swear.
It was JUST a frog and cordial. But we shall keep in mind for future reference that perhaps the combination of freddo frogs and cordial should be left for times when he’s visiting family. Without us.
In light of my last post, the warning about the doom and gloom to come…I should say, that it’s not just doom and gloom.
As a result of Tim’s MS we get a 17% discount on our power bill. It’s called a Medical Cooling Concession and basically it’s because for people with MS, heat tolerance is drastically reduced. The 17% discount is presumably to help cover the extra cost of cooling over summer.
So the other day we’re sitting at home and get a knock on the door. Not two days after that 17% discount has been added to our bill and we feel a little better about being able to pay it.
The man at the door is about to install a smart meter. Having a smart meter installed means nothing at all to us. But it sends our electricity usage to the company’s every half an hour, instead of having the power meter read every three months.
At the time, we have a friend over. And she tell’s us that they had a smart meter installed a few months back and all it meant to them was a 30% increase in the power bill.
WELL! That pisses me off. Because we’ve only just got the 17% discount and if what she says is true, then it’s been made completely redundant by this stupid smart meter. No matter how you look at it we’re getting a 13% increase.
So she also tells us some ways of saving money on your power bill. And these seem fairly easy and well, regardless of what our bill is or the discount we’re going to get…I get to thinking that it couldn’t hurt to save some money right??
All she does is turn everything off at the power point when they’re not in use. The microwave, so you don’t pay for the clock. The DVD and TV so you don’t pay for the little red light they have to say they’re on standby. Everything but her fridge and freezer get turned off at the power point over night and if they’re out. She said it has saved them heaps on their electricity bills.
So I woke up the next day determined to make a difference to our power bill. When we left the house for a considerable amount of time, I switched the DVD player and the TV and set top box off at the power.
We came home three hours later, and when we tried to turn the DVD player back on…it wouldn’t. It was BROKEN!
I cried for half an hour. And on and off all night I would break in to spontaneous tears. Because I was simply trying to make a difference. Trying to save some money. And all it got me was another bill. A DVD player replacement bill.
It just seems to me that some times, when you really try to make a difference, something works against you.
I held my arms up high in front of me and I yelled….why do I bother!?
(side note: that didn’t make a pinch of shit of difference. It didn’t even make me FEEL better about having to fork out money we don’t have for a new DVD player. But I did it anyway!)
I came across a wonderful blog, written by a woman who also happens to live in Australia. Who also happens to have a young son and who also happens to live with depression.
I was incredibly impressed with her writings. Not because she’s out of this world good. But because she tells the truth.
There’s this saying I’m sure you’re well familiar with.
Laugh and the world Laughs with you.
Cry, and you cry alone.
I’ve always hated that saying. But the sad thing is…it’s true.
I can’t help but go back to a time when my life was so bad that I no longer wanted to live it. A time when I was cutting my own flesh because the pain of a physical wound was far easier to deal with than the shit that was going through my head. I remember that I lost a lot of friends during that time. And I also remember, that after my second attempt at suicide, those same friends would say to me “Why didn’t you tell me?”
The truth?
I had been telling them.
And they didn’t want to hear it.
Because I wasn’t laughing.
Well recently, I’ve felt the need to only put the good stuff up here. Because I don’t want to bring people down. And the truth is, not everything about our lives right now is good.
We HAVE suffered a huge blow. We went from moving closer to family and getting a better paid job…to a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis and loss of said job. We’ve gone from having a few very good friends, to having barely anyone to talk to. We’ve gone from floating just enough to be able to do things with a little spare money, to having no money at all.
And it has been HARD.
I’m a highly emotional and passionate person. And that passion and emotion very often comes out in my writing. Writing it down stops me from wandering down a path of self destruction and hurting the people in my life that I love and that love me.
So from now on I just have to write it as it is. I’m not saying that we’re looking down the barrel of a doom and gloom blog from now on. But at times, I need to write to get it out. And the place that I choose to put it is here.
This blog is and always has been about our lives through my eyes. Good or bad. Not putting it all here is cheating myself. Only putting up happy snaps because I have nothing good to report, is a big lie.
This is what happens on an ordinary night…when parents ASSUME that their child has gone quietly off to sleep.
At 11.30 tonight, after watching our normal nightly documentary…I went to check on Jaxon. I didn’t panic so much when I saw from a distance that his light was on. Sometimes he does that. But normally, he’s asleep.
Tonight…not so much sleeping was happening.
When I walked in all I could say was “JAXON!”
He began to cry immediately. Like deep down inside he knew he was going to get in trouble all along.
But I couldn’t help but LAUGH! So much so that I had to stop to go to the toilet.
He cried to Daddy that he hurt his head, here…here…and here. And over there. And he wet his pants. And could we please change him now.
You gotta love em, right!?
That little blue cup of water on his bed side table looked like it had an inch of slim on the bottom of it. When I took the sheet off the bed the room was filled with white smoke. There is a layer of powder on EVERYTHING and it smells VERY pretty in there.
When the terrible threes hit hard here we found ourselves dealing with a very head strong little man. One who didn’t like being told it was bed time, or time to leave the park or time to do anything for that matter.One little boy, who would kick and scream all the way home if it wasn’t something he didn’t want to do.
So a few weeks ago we implemented the five minute warning. It’s fairly obvious what that is, but just in case you’re a little behind the 8-ball today…it means that we give Jaxon a five minute warning for something very specific that is going to happen. Five minutes until bed time Jaxon, five minutes until we leave Jaxon, five minutes left in the bath Jaxon. It’s not just a five minute warning, but a follow up of 4-3-2 and 1 minute warnings right up until it’s time he does what we’re telling him.
This method of warning Jaxon that we would soon expect him to do as he was told, or that something was about to change works very well. So well in fact that now, if we should happen to forget to give him his five minute warning….he will remind us.
Tonight, for instance, when I told him it was bed time BEFORE telling him it was five minutes until bed time, Jaxon said “No Mum, three minutes till bedtime”
I used to think it was kind of cute. And truth be told I still do. But it’s also a little annoying because I know that after *I* have implemented the five minute warning, then it’s only fair that when I have forgotten to give him that warning…I should anyway. Especially, if he reminds me of it!
Has well and truly started in this house hold.So far, so good. I think.
I just thought I would drop in and say that I find it funny that Jaxon demands absolute privacy when he’s on the toilet. But thinks nothing of asking Mum for a HUG while she does her own thing.
Daddy and I can’t be within “looking distance” when he’s on the loo. He demands that we leave. And he wont do his thing until we’re out of sight. But then the minute either of us need to go to the toilet ourselves…there he is.
“What ya doing Mum?”
“I’m on the toilet Jaxon”
“Can I have a cuddle Mum?”
Ever since Daddy went back to school this has become our daily tradition.
Each morning as Tim get’s himself ready Jaxon goes through his little check list with him.
“Got helmet Daddy?”
“Got gloves Daddy?”
“Got keys Daddy?”
“Got wallet Daddy?”
The list goes on, right until Jaxon is satisfied that Daddy is in fact ready to leave the house.
Then we always make sure we go out and wave good bye. We wait until Daddy is out of the street and not a moment sooner will Jaxon let me start to walk inside.
When Daddy is coming home we can hear him from anywhere in the house. In this big shrill voice Jaxon will scream at me with bright eyes “Daddy’s come home!!!” and he rushes to the garage door to welcome him in.
Jaxon and I are extremely proud of Daddy, who is almost done with exam’s for his first semester back at Uni. It’s not been easy. In fact, there have been days where I honestly thought Tim wouldn’t be going back. But he stuck it out and I’m so proud of him.
Tim and I have been having the toilet training talk with Jaxon for quite some time now.
It started almost 1.5 years ago when over summer, we left Jaxon in undies.
But we think the issue with that was he HAD AN ACCIDENT and he really REALLY didn’t like it.
So for the past few months we’ve been bringing it up on and off with him with absolutely NO success at all.
Until today. While I was cooking and Jaxon was doing his own thing I happened to sneak a peak at him in his bedroom. There, I found him walking around with a potty on his head. I’m sure we’ve all been busted doing that at some point in our lives right??
Then, about half an hour later I saw him run from his bedroom to the bathroom with no nappy on. And then…HE PUT UNDIES ON!
This is HUGE!
Seriously, if I’d told Jaxon three weeks ago we were done with nappies and all he could wear was undies he would have been clinging on to my feet as I tried to ignore him screaming the house down “NEEEEED NAAAAAAAPPPPPY!!!”
So for the rest of the evening Jaxon wore undies. And nothing else.
But then came dinner time. Yet another thing we’ve been discussing with Jaxon for some time now.
The issue is, he doesn’t want to eat. And for a while we would say to him “You eat your dinner, or you GO TO BED!”
And the evil little genius that he is, would get up and go to bed. Don’t laugh. He has also been known to throw his OWN toys in the bin if we threaten that we will throw them out if he doesn’t pick them up and look after them.
Tonight we figured, since he doesn’t seem to mind getting told to go to bed, then we would force him to stay at the table.
He told us “Can’t eat dinner. Too tired” and we ignored him time after time.
This is how our new direction went tonight.
This is the first time Jaxon has ever fallen asleep at the table. I don’t think he even slept on the boob for those few short weeks we got to breast feed.
(side note: I wasn’t going to put that last photo up, given the position of his hand. But then, I just got all proud of him for doing it with his right hand So it stays, as a milestone post
This afternoon Jaxon and I had to go and wait to see an ear, nose and throat doctor.
Jaxon is such a friendly, talkative kid that he’d made quite a few friends in there. He tell’s them all about the “new shoes” he has (the one’s we bought him back in January) and all about the rainbow he got to see today (the one he saw the day we went bowling) and all about how Daddy is at school.
He’s talking to this one lady about Daddy and he turns to me and he says “Mum…Dad at school??” and I say “Yes, Dad is at school practicing for exams ”
Then clear as day Jaxon repeats what he has heard. Only all he says is “Jam practice?”
The friends that he has made, and many of the various strangers that have been listening in on his conversations around the room all simultaneously erupt in to laughter. And it doesn’t stop when Jaxon continues on to say “got toast too Mum?”
These past few weeks I’ve been getting in the habit of locking the car in the garage. Normally, we don’t do that. But for some reason, I’ve started doing it.
Perhaps it’s a gut feeling.
Perhaps it’s because I’ve seen those news reports where they tell us all about the three year old kid who took Mum and Dad’s car for a joy ride.
Perhaps, my son is just too clever. This is something I don’t need a lot of imagination for to see that Jaxon could be that child.
And it would be just my luck…to be THAT mother!
Jaxon is well and truly capable of going in to the garage undetected. He knows how to open the car. He knows what the keys do. He even knows how to open the garage door with the remote.
So yes. Now we lock the car and hide the keys away when we get home.
I’d rather my fifteen minutes of fame not come from Jaxon getting pulled over for speeding.