Poor Dougie D

Dougie has been itchy for over a year now. It’s so hard to see, so hard to deal with.

We have tried everything and every time we think we’ve got it pegged the goal posts move and he starts itching again. He’s scratching himself silly, bleeding in spots, scabs in others. It’s driving him nuts and it’s driving US nuts!

We’ve decided to save and go see a doggy dermatologist to get some real answers, since the vet seems to be at his wits end as well. Hopefully we’ll have answers soon.



In the mean time it’s the cone of shame for Dougie D. It’s the only way we can stop him licking.

Dougie’s Camping Experience

There is probably no need to say it, but Dougie had a blast camping.

All those new smell’s to smell. All those new smells to roll in. And our Dad’s dog to play with.

Within the first few hours though we noticed he was covered in burrs. Hundreds of them. His beautiful tail had to be snipped off and he had an impromptu hair cut with the scissors within the first day. I was very upset about the tail :(

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Lucky, the Oddball Cat

The other night I had a bath. It was just Lucky and I up and while the bath filled he came and sat on my chest.

That’s where Lucky HAS to be. On your chest, or in your face. Or ON your head. Basically, in your way.

Well, the warm water kept rising and rising and that cat did not move! Half way up his back, with his tail floating, Lucky stayed on my chest. Nothing was going to make him move!

Here’s a few pics of our growing pussy!

Jaxon and Lucky experimenting with objects in a bowl of water over the school holidays. They were playing “Will it float?” (the skateboard, does not float. But doesn’t quite sink either!)

Dougie Dumbass

Yep. That’s Dougie’s Surname.

He is the perfect, shining example of a well behaved dog on lead. He sits, drops, stays, sits back up, stays and turns and all this other stuff most of your dogs will never know the meaning of. He’ll even come on command. But you let him off that lead and it’s almost as if you disappear! Especially if there is food or Lucky about.

Anyway. Somehow, despite all of his puppy floors, I love him. And I love training with him of a Saturday afternoon. Where I get to be proud of him and show off a little because 1) He is a stunning looking dog and 2) he is exceptionally good on lead.

Well, about three weeks ago we participated in what the club call’s a Fun Day. I had no idea what that actually meant, but it sounded like FUN and they did a sausage sizzle. Who could refuse hey??

Of 47 dogs in our class (level 1) Dougie and I came Third. Oh how I wish we had come first. But alas, we shall need to try harder. Or release rabbits for the 46 other contestants! We were graduated to Level 2 that day and given a pretty white ribbon to hang on the wall.

Level Two has been interesting to say the least. Being that Dougie just does not like men, or strangers. My new trainer walked by a few times. Offered food a few times. And Dougie seemed very content to take that food and give a little tail wag. But when that same trainer tried to demonstrate a move with Dougie, who is very good at said move compared to the other 10 dogs in our little group, things didn’t quite go to plan.

At first, Dougie was fine. He walked along, heeling as he would normally do. And sitting when he was told. But then!! Dougie LOOKED UP. And if he could have talked he would have said “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY MUMMY!?” Because two seconds later said male trainer was holding on to Dougie’s lead for dear life as Dougie tried to escape him, doing circles around and around him like a little puppy merry go round.

Anyway. Here are some Fun Day Photo’s. No matter what any one else thinks, I am proud of my dog, proud of the training I do with him and proud that we came third.

Groodle Day Out!

Post one in the catch up. I guess I should post these as they happened. So I know for future reference.

We went to the local dog beach to meet up with 20 odd other crazy groodle owners who I met on facebook. It was a very hot day, but it was lovely to go in the water and play with the puppies. Even if, Dexter got knocked over by random dog not a part of our group and Jaxon…well he was just Jaxon and didn’t like anything about the day!

That photo of Tim and Jaxon actually has all three of my boys in it. Dexter is between Tim’s legs in front of him.

Dougie’s New Love

This stupid dog (the toy dog, not the fur dog) has been in our family now since just before Jaxon was born. A friend gave it to us.

We didn’t give it to Jaxon until he was about 6 months old and I only let him have it in his cot. Which meant that some mornings instead of hearing Jaxon start making noises, I heard this dog start talking.

“That tickles!”
“You’re my friend, I love you!”
“Yellow, Yellow foot”
“Hand. Green Hand!”
“Itsy bitsy spider ran up the water spout…..”

This was how I knew when Jaxon was awake in his cot but not crying.

Dougie got the snip!

Dougie, our all too innocent and rarely *very* naughty puppy turned 6 months old recently. And even more recently, as recently as Sunday (BANG! OVER NIGHT!) our innocent little puppy was no more.

Over night, he decided that *I* was his girl. *I* was his new life partner.

And, NO…really means yes!

So off to the vets he went on Tuesday. Unsuspecting. Most likely unwilling.

He came home later that day about 200 grams lighter I think. I mean, did you see the Dougie Haircut photo’s??? Those boys were massive! And very hard to miss!

Having him in his cone of shame has brightened up everyone’s lives. Having him run in to wall’s and use various methods to get at his food or toys makes the boys giggle. Seeing him play soccer (video on it’s way) or to see him throw a little squeaky toy up in the air and CATCH it in his cone is very funny!!

To tide you over, here are some some obstacles Dougie has had to over come in the past couple of days.

Just after getting stuck on the draw handle.

I hate you. I really, really hate you.

Wall there…

This is the doggie version of a cup against the door to eves drop! We think he get’s pretty good reception!

I can fit in there…

Shit…should have thought that one through.

Chair there….

Bugger! They’ve made it so I can’t clean the little person chair after dinner time!

Wall there. Pretty big one too. Probably could have avoided this one.

Who put that there?

Door frame jumped out in front of me.

Did I mention that I really hate you??

Grandma at the park.

Mum and I took the boys to the park one day last week. I got some really good photo’s both of the kids and of Dougie. And you too Mummy :)

Wow. That’s 64 photo’s. I’ve inserted it via gallery view. Which I don’t like doing. It looks less, me. Anyway. If you’d like to look closer at any of these photo’s just click on the image and it will show you the larger version.


Dougie get’s his first hair cut…

I had hoped to have my dog clippers saved for by now but having the surgery and a few extra purchses for the hospital stay we had to put them off.

So scissors it was! I thought it would take hours but I think it only took two. I had my Mum and my friend Monique helping me. This was 5 days post op!




Little did Dougie know at this point that those big black nugget’s between his legs were booked to be removed a couple days later! And after!! I think I did a good job. He looks a little shaggy but he’ll look shaggy until his hair grows out. I did run in to the in house vet groomer on the day of his nugget removal. She asked “Is he he for grooming?” To which I replied”No, I took to him with scissors a few days ago” She said “I can tell”….blah to you!!

Morning walks with Dougie

Since returning home from hospital life has been all about me trying to get the perfect balance between laying down, getting plenty of exercise and using my sore back to figure out what I can and cant do.

The most enjoyable time of my day is at about 6.30 in the morning when I get to take Dougie for a walk alone. It clears my mind. I chat to Doug about my many problems and he wags his tail. That makes me happy.

I take him to a big open field around the corner and let him off. While he runs circles around me pick up the scent of hare or fox.

I watch the sun come up and tben mozey on home. Doug and his happy tail and happy to see you nature are the best thing before the cbaos starts at home. I feel a new routine on the way.






I’m fairly sure.I’ll be fone to continje Saturday dog training next week.


Bubbles, bringing families together…

Jaxon has made it no real secret that he could care less if Dougie was here or not. He dislikes almost everything about him 80% of the time. Then 15% of the time, Dougies locked in the back yard and the other 5%…he actually loves him.

But that all changed after this night!! I think Jaxon forgot all about the dog, they had a common interest and goal and they did it without hurting each other or being scared of each other.

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Doug Doug Doug


I’ve been a terrible human and haven’t taken many photo’s of Doug. He’s a Golden Retriever X with a Poodle. Or a Groodle in Australia and a Golden Doodle in America. Seriously, why would anyone want to announce they own a Golden Doodle?? Unless they actually HAD a golden penis??

We got Doug a few weeks ago now and he’s starting to fit right in to the family. He LOVES Dexter, though Dexter is totally unsure if he hates or loves Doug. Watch for a video to show what I mean by that.

I have been very impressed with the breed and don’t think I’ll ever want a different kind of dog. He doesn’t drop hair AT ALL! Seriously, we’ve had him for weeks now and I am yet to find any of his hair on the couch or (ha-hem) in the bed. I wear black all the time and have no annoying bit’s of dog hair on my clothes. Having always had short haired dogs who drop hair all year around, this is a breath of fresh (h)air!

He’s certainly going to be challenging to have considering he’s about the same as having another Dexter. And let me tell you, Dexter is a challenge! But so far so good. I take him with me for school drop off and pick up and take Dexter to the park with him in the mornings after drop off and both boys to the park after school.

I start training with him very soon. Induction is on Saturday but I’m not sure if I have to take the dog this time. I really can’t wait. He already knows how to sit, drop, roll and crawl. All of course, are still as he see’s fit but we’re working on that! He’s super intelligent, when he wants to be. otherwise, he’s kind of a big hairy goof ball that just wants to be near his humans!